A Lombard castle was built in the 7th century, on pre-existing Roman times (presumably a farm, as can be seen from the wine cellar in Palazzo Pretorio), which was contested by the Byzantines.
The castle of anghiari, remembered for the first time in a document of 1048, was first submitted to the Lombard consortery of the counts of galbino and montedoglio and in 1104 the place was donated by Bernardino di Sidonia, Lord of anghiari, to the Camaldolese with the obligation to found an abbey: the monastery of Saint Bartholomew apostle. The town developed around it.
Anghiari is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, country Flag Orange and City Slow (city of good living). The fame of anghiari was born from the fact of having been theater of the battle fought in the year 1440 between the Florentines and the Milanese and later painted by Leonardo da Vinci
Main places of interest
Abbey of San Bartolomeo
Chapel of Mercy
Chapel of Santa Maria Maddalena
Church of the Cross
Church of Sant’Agostino
Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Church of Santo Stefano
Votive Temple of the Fallen
Sanctuary of the Madonna del Carmine at Combarbio
Cenacolo di montauto (former Capuchin convent)
Palazzo pretorio
Palazzo marzocco
Palazzo Corsi: a large 18th-century complex (1777-1794), now the seat of the Anglo-American municipal library, the Historical Archives and the tourist office.
Castle of montauto
Villa La barbolana
Castle of galbino
Castle of sorci