The village of Castelfranco di Sopra is located in the Valdarno, situated 281 a.s.l, It was founded in the late thirteenth century in a strategic place to control transit trade and military domination of the area. In fact, in this “new earth” stationed troops that the Florentine Republic used against local nobles.
As we come to Castelfranco we can not admire the beautiful tower that welcomes us; is it more evident with respect the rest of the castle founded by Florence. The history of the construction is not well understood, but its seems that was probably designed by Arnolfo di Cambio
The tower has undergone several interventions editing and restoration: in the first half of 1500 was added the clock; in 1610 the top was covered with a protective roof that changed the entire look of the monument, and which was later removed. Near the door you can see a stretch of the old castle walls well preserved.
In 1996 Castelfranco celebrated on the seventh centenary of its foundation by restoring the so-called “Tower of Arnolfo“, considered the symbol of the country.
Climbing the tower we can admire the bell on top of this and the landscape of Castelfranco at the foot of the Tuscan Apennines.