Ortignano Raggiolo

The toponym is attested for the first time in 1247 and probably derives from a Roman name of person Hortinius, while Raggiolo is attested in 967 as Ragiola and comes from the Latin radius with meaning of “boundary line”. The municipality is located between the Tuscan hills, on which stands the Pratomagno, administratively belonging to the neighboring municipality of Loro Ciuffenna. It is crossed by the river Teggina, which flows into the Arno at the border with the town of Bibbiena, and has only one tributary, the even smaller river Barbozzaia, which feeds the Mill of Morino, Recently renovated in the hamlet of Raggiolo as a memory of nineteenth-century mills that gave sustenance to the village.
  • Church of Sant’Antonio
  • Church of Santi Margherita e Matteo
  • Church of San Michele

