Capital of the municipality and formerly called Il Borgo alla Strada, to distinguish itself from Borgo alla Collina, was born as a market place of the whole Solano Valley, built near Castel San Niccolò. It was easily accessible thanks to the parish church of San Martino a Vado, built by the Guidi Counts in the eleventh century, which constituted an easy ~guado”. on the river Solano. With a decree of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Peter Leopold, in 1776 Road became the capital of the town; it was the first seat of the Podestà and later administrative center and municipal center.
The parish church of San Martino a Vado is one of the most important Romanesque churches of Casentino: it was built in the eleventh century by order of the Countess Matilde di Canossa. The church is divided into three naves with seven bays of six columns each, each of which has a different capital, the work of some unknown Lombard sculptors. Inside it houses frescoes from the parish church adjacent to the Castle of Castel San Niccolò, such as a Crucifixion and a San Niccolò with saints, both of the fourteenth century and Florentine school. The parish church of San Martino a Vado preserves the original facade.
The center of the village consists of Piazza Matteotti, surrounded by two austere buildings: Palazzo Vettori and Vettori-Tommasi. Next to Palazzo Vettori is the chapel-oratory of the Visitation of the Madonna, built on a sixteenth-century plant when the country, which has become too populous, needed a closer place for religious services, set up for young and old.