The Tower of Galatrona dominates the landscape of Valdarno. This is what remains of one of the most important castles of Valdambra, placed in a strategic position with respect to the valley below. The top of the hill was certainly home to the oldest settlements; Galatrona the same name, formerly Canastruna, would be of Etruscan origin, while some remains of walls around the building and ceramic findings indicate the presence of Romans.
Throughout the Middle Ages, and until the end of the thirteenth century, the story of Galatrona are related, as happens throughout the Valdambra,to the contentions between Florence and Arezzo first, and then between Florence and Siena. It is only in 1335 that the Florentines occupied the castle of Galatrona. From the Act of submission to Florence it results that there were, then, two towers: in addition to the currently visible – the “new” – an “old”, now disappeared.
In the sixteenth century Galatrona, together with the whole Valdambra, was involved in the struggle supported by the Medici, allies of Charles V, against Siena and the king of France; the victory of the imperial decreed the end of the Sienese Republic, which saw pass their territories under the dominion of Florence. Since then Galatrona depended territorially from Bucine.
The tower, along with traces of the access door, is all that remains of the castle; called “the tower”,
the building, which was the subject of restoration and environmental rehabilitation, is open to the public since 2007 and houses inside a thematic multimedia on the history of Galatrona and its castle.
The hike and the beautiful landscape that can be seen from the top of the Tower. The starting point for the visit is Mercatale Valdarno reachable through an interesting short path, who touches the Church of Galatrona, Romanesque church with a valuable baptismal font by Giovanni della Robbia, the villa-farm Petrolo, famous company wine, and the natural area with woods and vineyards of the hills of Galatrona. The tower is included in the Charter of the Paths between the Arno and Chiana, drawn up by the Province of Arezzo and the CAI
from April through October
every Saturday afternoon from 15.00 to 19.00
every Sunday from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00
every Thursday from 16.00 to 18.00
all holidays during the week from 15.00 to 19.00
Info: “Friends of the Tower” tel. +39 055/9707336 – cell.+39 333/3768631
Manager: Mr. Joseph Amilcarelli giuseppe.amilcarelli@gmail.com